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The Full Story

The heart behind The Deen Diaries

Peace and blessings! I’m Zainab, the heart behind The Deen Diaries. I embraced Islam in 2010, and my journey has been filled with learning, challenges, and profound love for my faith.


From feeling isolated as a new revert to finding my path in motherhood, my experiences have inspired the creation of The Deen Diaries—a space to empower every Muslimah to live a life of intention, resilience, and self-worth.

how it started

Creation of the Faith Focus Journal

The founding of the The Deen Diaries-Faith Focus Journal is deeply rooted through personal experience. As a revert to Islam and a mother, I've continuously attempted navigating the hardships and worries of maintaining focus on prayers and faith-based learning amidst life's demands and motherhood duties.


This led to the creation of a personal faith focus journal – a tool I was unaware would become a transformative tool needed on my spiritual journey and navigating all the other duties as a Muslimah.


It held me accountable and highlighted areas for daily improvement where I was falling short. Witnessing its profound impact on my life, I knew I needed to share this empowering tool with others, and Alhamdulillah, it has begun to make a difference and it's creating a digital sisterhood, a community I needed during my early reversion days.

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Empowering Spiritual Growth and Balance

At The Deen Diaries, we're dedicated to providing carefully thought out and uniquely designed tools and resources that help women connect with their faith, reflect on their personal growth, and find a community that uplifts and inspires. The Deen Diaries serves to nurturing our life aligned with faith values, filled with intention and purpose.

We're on a mission to take The Deen Diaries global, InshaAllah!

We envision a future where The Deen Diaries reaches every corner of the globe, creating a beautiful uplifting network of passionate Muslimas.


Our goal is to build a community that not only spreads faith and empowerment and uplifts others but also fosters personal and communal growth.


We see The Deen Diaries Network inspiring Muslim and Non-Muslim women worldwide, sharing in our collective success, and contributing to a sustainable network that benefits each member.


This vision is more than just an expansion, it's a commitment to establishing a profitable venture that uplifts our faith globally, anchored through unity and empowerment.


Born from Personal Struggle and Lack of Sisterhood Support

The Inspiration Behind The Deen Diaries

My reversion to Islam brought both challenges and blessings. Lacking guidance and a supportive sisterhood, I felt the need to create something that would not only help me but also other Muslimahs who might feel isolated or demotivated. This led to the founding of The Deen Diaries, where perseverance, a strong mindset, and accountability are at the forefront of our journey.

More Than Just Journals

Our journals are more than just pages of information and prompts, they are companions in your journey of faith and self-discovery. Each page is designed to guide you through reflecting on your life, strengthening your connection with Allah, and fostering a mindset geared towards growth and resilience.


Stay in Touch

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